Towards a sustainable future


Climate change is humanity's greatest challenge as it will radically affect the environment of our planet.

This booklet puts this massive global issue into a local context. It is happening on the island and the effects on our lives and the Bailiwick's environment can be seen all around us. We all live and cope with change in our lives and reacting to climate change will be a challenge. This publication shows how we can respond to that challenge.

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Introduction (400kb)
Historical Evidence of Past Climate Change (1.12Mb)
Evidence of Climate Change in Guernsey (1.04Mb)
Impacts of Climate Change in Guernsey (1.53Mbkb)
Predictions of Future Climate Change (1.12Mb)
Consequences of Future Climate Change in Guernsey (1.15Mb)
Responding to Climate Change in Guernsey -
opportunities for Action (1.88Mb)

Conclusion (493kb)


Change can be seen to be happening –- Hummingbird Hawk Moths are now regular migrants from the Mediterranean, plants are flowering earlier and earlier and our avifauna is changing - Little Egrets, once a great rarity from further south, are now common in the islands.

  Copyright © La Société Guernesiaise 2008. All rights reserved.
Candie Gardens, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1UG, Channel Islands.